Jackie Johnston Jackie Johnston

Achieve Your Separation Anxiety Training Goals Using a Tiered Framework

Days are starting to look different, and that means that alone-time goals are shifting. For many, “leaving the house” now means being gone for 8 hours 5 days a week. And it should come as no surprise that a goal like that will take much longer to achieve than it would to water the plants.

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Jackie Johnston Jackie Johnston

How Long Does It Take to Resolve Separation Anxiety?

If you break a bone, your doctor will be able to tell you roughly how long it will take to heal. If you’re building a house, your contractor will know how many months before the job is complete. Unfortunately, resolving separation anxiety isn’t like that. Each dog’s trajectory is different. And recovery can be complex.

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Jackie Johnston Jackie Johnston

Understanding Thresholds in Separation Anxiety Training: A Beginner’s Guide

Let’s talk about thresholds. If your dog is struggling with separation anxiety, your understanding of thresholds is absolutely paramount. It’s the baseline of knowledge you’ll need to create true, lasting behavior change. It’s the foundation upon which a separation anxiety training plan is built. Without it, we’re spinning our wheels and potentially making our dogs worse.

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